Nuovo aggiornamento per AspireOS, cliccare QUI per scaricare l'aggiornamento, sul sito ... ire-distro si può scaricare anche la versione automatizzata del'Update.
Tra le novità dell'aggiornamento:
Cinnamon writer v.0.8
up2date located at sys:tools
AMC media center demo
Updated Loview and other programs
Updated system files mostly from AROS build 31.05.12
Queste le applicazioni contenute in AspireOS v.1.9
Audio - Audio Evolution (advanced hd-recording and editing program), MilkyTracker, mp3play, ProTracker, PxDrum, QuickCDRipper, SimpleModPlayer, Zamp (mp3 player)
Emulation - DosBox (PC Emulator) FPSE (Playstation 1) Fuse (Spectrum 48k) Janus-UAE (Amiga 68k) MAME (Muliti arcade machine emulator) ScummVM (Classic adventure games) Zsnes (Super nintendo)
File Management - Directory Opus
Games - AMIChess, Anagramarama, Barrage, Beret, BlockRage, Bomber, BubbleTrain, CXHextris, Duke Nukem 3D (need data files), Flashback (need data files) Giannas return, GLQuake, Hexen 2 (need data files) Jooleem, Lazymines, LBreakout2, LMarbles, LPairs, MUIMine, Open Tyrian, Quake 3 (need data files) Rise of the triad, PrimatePlunge, Return to castle wolfenstein (need data files) Rott, Roadfigher, SDLroids, Soliton, Spout, Sqrxz, Sqrxz2, Sqrxz3, Suduku, SuperTransball, TriMines, Vodovod, XInvaders3D, XRick dangerous
GFX - AmiFIG-suite, GraphX2 (DPaint clone with Layers) LodePaint (Many tools and filters), XaoS (Fractals)
Mulitimedia - AMC (AROS media center demo), ArosPDF, LoVIew (Picture viewer with thumbnail support) MPlayer (Plays almost all
know Audio and Video format: mp3, flac, wav, mp4, avi, mov) MysticView (Picture viewer) Snapshoter (Select whatever you see on sceen, save, edit it)
Networking - JabberWookie (jabber client) MarranoFTP, Odessey (Web browser) VNC Server, VNC Client, Wookiechat (IRC-client) Weather Forecast (weather all over the world) YAM (E-mail program) WWWFetch, WGet
Office - Cinnamon writer
Utilities - Free Mouse