Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

MorphOS ed hardware compatibile

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » ven ago 06, 2021 4:52 pm

Ok il problema è risolto
Adesso posso montare i supporti USB direttamente da qemu e lavorarci sopra come se avessi inserito una pennetta USB

Adesso una buona idea sarebbe provare la pennetta USB-AUDIO per morphos per sentire l'audio
mi documento un pochino ma a questo punto è fattibile :felice:

qui il video dove viente montata l'unita esterna USB come host:

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » sab ago 07, 2021 10:29 am

Ho provato a far riconoscere la scheda di acquisizione video ovviamente non funziona ma è presente come HUB USB
quindi in teoria se una USB-AUDIO compatibile è riconosciuta da morphos
dovrebbe funzionare.

Con il comando da shell di morphos:

ecco l'output
Skipping 'PCI Root Hub Unit 0-0000-0000-n/a-00' (use SHOWROOT to list)
Poseidon DevID : 'QEMU USB Keyboard-0627-0001-68284-pci.2:0d.0-1-00'
Product Name : 'QEMU USB Keyboard' (ID: 0001, Vers: 0000)
Manufacturer : 'QEMU' (Vendor: 0627 (unknown))
Serial Number : '68284-pci.2:0d.0-1' (USBVers: 0200)
Device State : fullspeed connected hasaddress hasdevdesc configured
Device Address : 2 (Port 1 at PCI Root Hub Unit 0)
Class/Sub/Proto : 0/0/0 (<unknown>)
MaxPktSize EP 0 : 8
Power Check : Supply = 500mA, Drain = 100mA
Current Language: English (United States)
Supported Langs : English (United States)
1 configuration(s):
· Config 1 (HID Keyboard)
Attrs : bus-powered remote-wakeup
MaxPower: 100 mA
1 interface(s) for this config:
· Interface 0 (HID interface (0)) (ID: '00-00-03-01-01')
Alternate Setting: 0
Class/Sub/Proto : 3/1/1 (HID (Keyboard))
This interface is bound to hid.class, context 140CD724.
1 endpoint(s) for this interface:
· Endpoint 1 (interrupt <-[ IN)
MaxPktSize: 8
Interval : 10 ms
No alternate settings.
Standard Descriptors:
Desc. 01 (Device), 18 bytes
Desc. 02 (Configuration), 9 bytes (Config 1)
Desc. 04 (Interface), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
Desc. 21 (HID), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
00: 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 3F 00
Desc. 05 (Endpoint), 7 bytes (EP 1, IF 0/0, Cfg 1)
Google: http://www.google.com/search?q=usb+0x0627+0x0001
Poseidon DevID : 'QEMU USB Mouse-0627-0001-89126-pci.2:0d.0-2-00'
Product Name : 'QEMU USB Mouse' (ID: 0001, Vers: 0000)
Manufacturer : 'QEMU' (Vendor: 0627 (unknown))
Serial Number : '89126-pci.2:0d.0-2' (USBVers: 0200)
Device State : fullspeed connected hasaddress hasdevdesc configured
Device Address : 3 (Port 2 at PCI Root Hub Unit 0)
Class/Sub/Proto : 0/0/0 (<unknown>)
MaxPktSize EP 0 : 8
Power Check : Supply = 500mA, Drain = 100mA
Current Language: English (United States)
Supported Langs : English (United States)
1 configuration(s):
· Config 1 (HID Mouse)
Attrs : bus-powered remote-wakeup
MaxPower: 100 mA
1 interface(s) for this config:
· Interface 0 (HID interface (0)) (ID: '00-00-03-01-02')
Alternate Setting: 0
Class/Sub/Proto : 3/1/2 (HID (Mouse))
This interface is bound to hid.class, context 1415F64C.
1 endpoint(s) for this interface:
· Endpoint 1 (interrupt <-[ IN)
MaxPktSize: 4
Interval : 10 ms
No alternate settings.
Standard Descriptors:
Desc. 01 (Device), 18 bytes
Desc. 02 (Configuration), 9 bytes (Config 1)
Desc. 04 (Interface), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
Desc. 21 (HID), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
00: 09 21 01 00 00 01 22 34 00
Desc. 05 (Endpoint), 7 bytes (EP 1, IF 0/0, Cfg 1)
Google: http://www.google.com/search?q=usb+0x0627+0x0001
Poseidon DevID : 'QEMU USB Hub-0409-55AA-314159-pci.2:0d.0-3-00'
Product Name : 'QEMU USB Hub' (ID: 55AA, Vers: 0101)
Manufacturer : 'QEMU' (Vendor: 0409 (NEC Corp.))
Serial Number : '314159-pci.2:0d.0-3' (USBVers: 0110)
Device State : fullspeed connected hasaddress hasdevdesc configured
Device Address : 4 (Port 3 at PCI Root Hub Unit 0)
Class/Sub/Proto : 9/0/0 (Hub)
MaxPktSize EP 0 : 8
Power Check : Supply = 500mA, Drain = 0mA
Current Language: English (United States)
Supported Langs : English (United States)
This device is bound to hub.class, context 14156E2C.
1 configuration(s):
· Config 1 (Configuration 1)
Attrs : self-powered remote-wakeup
MaxPower: 0 mA
1 interface(s) for this config:
· Interface 0 (Hub interface (0)) (ID: '00-00-09-00-00')
Alternate Setting: 0
Class/Sub/Proto : 9/0/0 (Hub)
1 endpoint(s) for this interface:
· Endpoint 1 (interrupt <-[ IN)
MaxPktSize: 2
Interval : 255 ms
No alternate settings.
Standard Descriptors:
Desc. 01 (Device), 18 bytes
Desc. 02 (Configuration), 9 bytes (Config 1)
Desc. 04 (Interface), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
Desc. 05 (Endpoint), 7 bytes (EP 1, IF 0/0, Cfg 1)
Google: http://www.google.com/search?q=usb+0x0409+0x55AA
Poseidon DevID : 'QEMU USB Audio-46F4-0002-1-pci.2:0d.0-3.2-00'
Product Name : 'QEMU USB Audio' (ID: 0002, Vers: 0000)
Manufacturer : 'QEMU' (Vendor: 46F4 (unknown))
Serial Number : '1-pci.2:0d.0-3.2' (USBVers: 0100)
Device State : fullspeed connected hasaddress hasdevdesc configured
Device Address : 5 (Port 2 at QEMU USB Hub)
Class/Sub/Proto : 0/0/0 (<unknown>)
MaxPktSize EP 0 : 64
Power Check : Supply = 100mA, Drain = 0mA
Current Language: English (United States)
Supported Langs : English (United States)
1 configuration(s):
· Config 1 (Audio Configuration)
Attrs : self-powered
MaxPower: 100 mA
2 interface(s) for this config:
· Interface 0 (Audio Device) (ID: '00-00-01-01-04')
Alternate Setting: 0
Class/Sub/Proto : 1/1/4 (Audio Control)
This interface is bound to usbaudio.class, context 14A7041C.
0 endpoint(s) for this interface:
No alternate settings.
· Interface 1 (Audio Output - Disabled) (ID: '01-00-01-02-00')
Alternate Setting: 0
Class/Sub/Proto : 1/2/0 (Audio Streaming)
0 endpoint(s) for this interface:
Alternate settings:
· Interface 1 (Audio Output - 48 kHz Stereo) (ID: '01-01-01-02-00')
Alternate Setting: 1
Class/Sub/Proto : 1/2/0 (Audio Streaming)
1 endpoint(s) for this interface:
· Endpoint 1 (isochronous OUT ]->)
MaxPktSize: 192
Interval : 1 ms
SyncType : synchronous
UsageType : data
Standard Descriptors:
Desc. 01 (Device), 18 bytes
Desc. 02 (Configuration), 9 bytes (Config 1)
Desc. 04 (Interface), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
Desc. 24 (Audio Control Header), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
00: 09 24 01 00 01 2B 00 01 01
Desc. 24 (Audio Input Terminal), 12 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
00: 0C 24 02 01 01 01 00 02 03 00 00 06
Desc. 24 (Audio Feature Unit), 13 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
00: 0D 24 06 02 01 02 01 00 02 00 02 00 07
Desc. 24 (Audio Output Terminal), 9 bytes (Iface 0/0, Cfg 1)
00: 09 24 03 03 01 03 00 02 08
Desc. 04 (Interface), 9 bytes (Iface 1/0, Cfg 1)
Desc. 04 (Interface), 9 bytes (Iface 1/1, Cfg 1)
Desc. 24 (Audio Stream General), 7 bytes (Iface 1/1, Cfg 1)
00: 07 24 01 01 00 01 00
Desc. 24 (Audio Stream Format Type), 11 bytes (Iface 1/1, Cfg 1)
00: 0B 24 02 01 02 02 10 01 80 BB 00
Desc. 05 (Endpoint), 9 bytes (EP 1, IF 1/1, Cfg 1)
Desc. 25 (Audio Generic Endpoint), 7 bytes (EP 1, IF 1/1, Cfg 1)
00: 07 25 01 00 00 00 00
Google: http://www.google.com/search?q=usb+0x46F4+0x0002

viene riconosciuto l'HUB USB di qemu e l'aggiunta eventuale del device USB-AUDIO anche se questo comunque non dovrebbe servire.

In conclusione se la pennetta AUDIO-USB è compatibile con morphos l'audio dovrebbe funzionare :felice:

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda cip060 » sab ago 07, 2021 11:53 am

Non ci ho capito un CAZZO :ride:
Avatar utente

Messaggi: 7933
Iscritto il: lun feb 17, 2003 9:19 pm
Località: Usa

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » sab ago 07, 2021 4:12 pm

sinceramente neanche io :ride:

in sintesi se collego una chiavetta USB-AUDIO
dovrebbe riconoscerla
è come inserire la chiavetta che ho usato da 16gb ed è stata riconosciuta

teoricamente se inserisco una pennetta USB-AUDIO compatibile
dovrebbe configurarla come farebbe con un "G4 vero"
sempre in teoria

Adesso aspetto un pochino poi magari la prendo ovvio però che se non provo non posso saperlo, per vedere se la teoria è giusta.
Ad esempio la scheda di acquisizione audio-video (quindi è hardware) viene riconosciuta da poseidon ma non essendo un usb-audio più di quello non posso fare però ho visto che viene montata correttamente.

avendo il powerbook eventualmente vedo come viene riconosciuta una pennetta USB-AUDIO su hardware reale
se basta inserirla oppure bisogna fare altro.

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » dom ago 08, 2021 2:04 pm

ordinata oggi arriva giovedi
spesa euro 2.50 con confezione danneggiata
almeno vedo se funziona senza spendere chissa che cosa.

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda vagappc » dom ago 22, 2021 12:30 pm

Alla peggio su Amazon la puoi restituire.
Se non ricordo male Qemu dovrebbe emulare un eventuale scheda USB audio.
Ma pare che questa feacure non funzioni con l'emulazione mac99

Probabilmente sei riuscito fargli vedere l'USB perché non passi dall'emulazione ma dal client SPICE che fa la stessa cosa in un modo diverso in quanto può funzionare remotamente (anche da cellulare).

Facci sapere se funziona.

Messaggi: 229
Iscritto il: dom feb 12, 2017 12:15 pm

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » gio set 16, 2021 10:37 am

Di pennette audio usb ne ho prese 2 funzionano entrambe con Morphos
"Hardware Reale"

SPICE al momento non serve con qemu per emulare morphos oppure amigaos

Invece con qemu non riesco a trovare i comandi giusti scrivo qui prima di inviare a zbalaton le possibili soluzioni e eventuali aiuti
per farla breve senza entrare nei dettagli questi i comandi:

Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0b05:1899 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. TUF GAMING K5
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 145f:02b9 Trust GXT 970 Gaming Mouse
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 1b1c:0c08 Corsair H80i v2
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 05e3:0610 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0b05:1939 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. AURA LED Controller

Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0d8c:0014 C-Media Electronics, Inc. Audio Adapter (Unitek Y-247A) <---- PENNETTA AUDIO

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0cf3:9271 Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR9271 802.11n
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub


lsusb -t
/: Bus 06.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 10000M
/: Bus 05.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 480M
|__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
|__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 1, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 3, If 2, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
|__ Port 2: Dev 3, If 1, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
/: Bus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 10000M
/: Bus 03.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/2p, 480M
/: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 10000M
/: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/10p, 480M
|__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=ath9k_htc, 480M
|__ Port 4: Dev 3, If 3, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M

|__ Port 4: Dev 3, If 1, Class=Audio, Driver=snd-usb-audio, 12M <---- PENNETTA AUDIO
|__ Port 4: Dev 3, If 2, Class=Audio, Driver=snd-usb-audio, 12M <---- PENNETTA AUDIO
|__ Port 4: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Audio, Driver=snd-usb-audio, 12M <---- PENNETTA AUDIO

|__ Port 6: Dev 4, If 2, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
|__ Port 6: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=, 12M
|__ Port 7: Dev 5, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 480M
|__ Port 1: Dev 6, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=, 12M

infine con qemu:

qemu-system-ppc -machine mac99,via=pmu -rtc base=localtime -m 2048 -device ati-vga,guest_hwcursor=true -boot d -prom-env 'boot-device=hd:,\boot.img' -bios /home/white/Scaricati/openbios-qemu.elf -vga none -serial stdio -device ide-hd,drive=hd-drive,bus=ide.0 -drive file='/home/white/Scaricati/morphos.img',if=none,id=hd-drive,format=raw -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user -device usb-host,hostbus=1,hostport=3 -device usb-host,hostbus=1,hostport=1 -device usb-host,hostbus=3,hostport=4.3

eventuale aggiunta di -device usb-audio

in sintesi non riesco a capire quale sia il comando giusto per trovare la porta USB che ospita la pennetta USB-AUDIO

questa la riga comando che dovrebbe abilitare la pennetta usb esterna:
-device usb-host,hostbus=1,hostport=3 -device usb-host,hostbus=1,hostport=1 -device usb-host,hostbus=3,hostport=4.3

qui invece un link per capire quello che sto cercando di fare:
https://itectec.com/unixlinux/can-i-pas ... mand-line/

suggerimenti ?

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » ven set 17, 2021 9:28 pm

Vorrei creare un regola UDEV per la pennetta AUDIO
ma sto' incontrando difficoltà non riesco a capire i passaggi che dovrei fare se qualcuno vuole darmi una mano

sono arrivato fin qui:
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0b05:1899 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. TUF GAMING K5
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 145f:02b9 Trust GXT 970 Gaming Mouse
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1b1c:0c08 Corsair H80i v2
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e3:0610 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0b05:1939 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. AURA LED Controller
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0d8c:0014 C-Media Electronics, Inc. Audio Adapter (Unitek Y-247A)
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0cf3:9271 Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR9271 802.11n
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

udevadm info -q all -n /dev/bus/usb/001/006

P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/0000:01:00.0/usb1/1-4
N: bus/usb/001/006
L: 0
E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/0000:01:00.0/usb1/1-4
E: DEVNAME=/dev/bus/usb/001/006
E: DEVTYPE=usb_device
E: PRODUCT=d8c/14/100
E: TYPE=0/0/0
E: MAJOR=189
E: ID_VENDOR=C-Media_Electronics_Inc.
E: ID_VENDOR_ENC=C-Media\x20Electronics\x20Inc.
E: ID_MODEL=USB_Audio_Device
E: ID_MODEL_ENC=USB\x20Audio\x20Device
E: ID_SERIAL=C-Media_Electronics_Inc._USB_Audio_Device
E: ID_BUS=usb
E: ID_USB_INTERFACES=:010100:010200:030000:
E: ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=C-Media Electronics, Inc.
E: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=Audio Adapter (Unitek Y-247A)
E: ID_PATH=pci-0000:01:00.0-usb-0:4
E: ID_PATH_TAG=pci-0000_01_00_0-usb-0_4
E: ID_FOR_SEAT=usb-pci-0000_01_00_0-usb-0_4
E: TAGS=:seat:

poi ho creato in:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0d8c", ATTR{idProduct}=="0014",OWNER="white"

e adesso cosa dovrei fare ?
che passaggi dovrei fare per andare avanti ?

al momento riesco a fargli vedere tutte le porte USB a "poseidon" tramite qemu
ma probabilmente devo abilitare una regola per la pennetta USB AUDIO con UDEV per fare in modo che solo qemu acceda al dispositivo

questo il log che ottengo con "poseidon" :

13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: Welcome to poseidon 4.4 (15.3.18) © 2002-2018 by Chris Hodges (20090807)!
13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: This is the PPC native MorphOS version.
13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: Event broadcaster started.
13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: Say hello to massstorage.class V4.9 (Supports storage devices via usbscsi.device (MOS)).
13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: Whoah! hub.class V4.4 surprised as Root/external hub base class (MOS).
13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: The door bell rang for hid.class V4.6 (Generic support for human interface devices (MOS)).
13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: New hardware pciusb.device/0 added (PCI OHCI USB 1.1 Host Controller (NEC)).
13:50:01| 0-poseidon.library: Root hub has been enumerated.
13:50:01| 20-poseidon.library: Opening pciusb.device unit 1 failed device/unit failed to open (-1).
13:50:01| 0-hub.class: Hub with 3 ports successfully configured.
13:50:01| 0-hub.class: I'm in love with hub 'PCI Root Hub Unit 0'.
13:50:02| 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Keyboard' at port 1. I like it.
13:50:02| 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Mouse' at port 2. I like it.
13:50:02| 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Hub' at port 3. I like it.
13:50:02| 0-hub.class: Hub has added 3 device(s). That'll be fun!
13:50:02| 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
13:50:02| 0-hid.class: HID the road, 'QEMU USB Keyboard'!
13:50:02| 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
13:50:02| 0-hid.class: HID the road, 'QEMU USB Mouse'!
13:50:02| 0-hub.class: Hub with 8 ports successfully configured.
13:50:02| 0-hub.class: I'm in love with hub 'QEMU USB Hub'.
13:50:43| 5-Trident: Forcing a DirScan for (new) classes, as you probably updated to a newer version.

(eh lo so' ho la testa dura :ride: )

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » dom set 19, 2021 2:14 pm

Ho creato una regola UDEV per il dispositivo usb-audio adesso qemu (morphos) è in grado di accedere al dispositivo e la periferica viene riconosciuta come audio-usb-device e riconosce il dispositivo con il nome corretto.
Non tutto è perfetto ma è un piccolo passo in avanti.
Se provo a fare il rescan la periferica smette di funzionare.
Probabilmente qemu deve essere ricompilato per il supporto usb (forse)
qui il log di morphos:

15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: Welcome to poseidon 4.4 (15.3.18) © 2002-2018 by Chris Hodges (20090807)!
15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: This is the PPC native MorphOS version.
15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: Event broadcaster started.
15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: Say hello to massstorage.class V4.9 (Supports storage devices via usbscsi.device (MOS)).
15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: Whoah! hub.class V4.4 surprised as Root/external hub base class (MOS).
15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: The door bell rang for hid.class V4.6 (Generic support for human interface devices (MOS)).
15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: New hardware pciusb.device/0 added (PCI OHCI USB 1.1 Host Controller (NEC)).
15:20:03| 0-poseidon.library: Root hub has been enumerated.
15:20:03| 20-poseidon.library: Opening pciusb.device unit 1 failed device/unit failed to open (-1).
15:20:03| 0-hub.class: Hub with 3 ports successfully configured.
15:20:03| 0-hub.class: I'm in love with hub 'PCI Root Hub Unit 0'.
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Keyboard' at port 1. I like it.
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Mouse' at port 2. I like it.
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Hub' at port 3. I like it.
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: Hub has added 3 device(s). That'll be fun!
15:20:04| 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
15:20:04| 0-hid.class: HID the road, 'QEMU USB Keyboard'!
15:20:04| 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
15:20:04| 0-hid.class: HID the road, 'QEMU USB Mouse'!
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: Hub with 8 ports successfully configured.
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: I'm in love with hub 'QEMU USB Hub'.
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: Detected device 'USB Audio Device??????????????' at port 1. I like it.
15:20:04| 0-hub.class: Hub has added 1 device(s). That'll be fun!
15:20:04| 10-poseidon.library: GET_INTERFACE(1) failed: response timeout (6)
15:20:04| 10-poseidon.library: GET_INTERFACE(2) failed: response timeout (6)
15:20:04| 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
15:20:04| 10-hid.class: GET_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR(60) failed: response timeout (6)!
15:20:04| 20-hid.class: Error parsing report descriptors!
15:20:04| 10-poseidon.library: GET_INTERFACE(1) failed: response timeout (6)
15:20:04| 10-poseidon.library: GET_INTERFACE(2) failed: response timeout (6)
15:20:04| 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
15:20:04| 10-hid.class: GET_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR(60) failed: response timeout (6)!
15:20:04| 20-hid.class: Error parsing report descriptors!
15:20:08| 5-poseidon.library: Device USB Audio Device?????????????? probably dropped dead!
15:20:08| 5-usbaudio.class: Recording mode with 1 ch@16b was assigned to 2 ch@16b output mode.
15:20:08| 10-poseidon.library: GET_INTERFACE(1) failed: response timeout (6)
15:20:08| 10-poseidon.library: GET_INTERFACE(2) failed: response timeout (6)
15:20:08| 10-hid.class: GET_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR(60) failed: response timeout (6)!
15:20:08| 20-hid.class: Error parsing report descriptors!

qui un piccolo video del test la pennetta audio usb viene riconosciuta in modo nativo:

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » dom set 19, 2021 4:59 pm

qui invece come viene riconosciuta la pennetta usb audio su hardware reale con morphos:

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda cip060 » lun set 20, 2021 3:53 pm

Non suonera MAI a meno che qemu non supporti i driver base audio di un mac
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Iscritto il: lun feb 17, 2003 9:19 pm
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Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » lun set 20, 2021 4:02 pm

Ciao, ottima idea a questo non avevo pensato
scrivo qui quello che scritto su morphos zone magari qualcuno ci fa delle prove

le regole di UDEV sono importanti per far riconoscere la pennetta
qui quello che sto' facendo:

I tried to get close to the actual hardware setup.
Now somehow the audio stick seems to "work"
poseidon recognizes the hardware and rescan morphos works fine too.
the device no longer receives "device death" but is not classified for example with: hid.class or other
and also in qemu the libusb error disappears
The only drawback is that in the audio settings it is not recognized as "usb audio" and therefore I cannot select it to enable it.

If, on the other hand, someone wants to try this is the new UDEV rule I used:
SUBSYSTEM == "usb", DRIVER == "snd-usb-audio", ATTRS {idVendor} == "0d8c", ATTRS {idProduct} == "0014", ATTR {authorized} = "0"

then not to use sudo:
ACTION == "add", SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ATTR {idVendor} == "0d8c", ATTR {idProduct} == "0014", OWNER = "white"

this instead the previous UDEV that was recognized directly in MUSIC as USB-AUDIO:
ACTION == "add", ATTR {idVendor} == "0d8c", ATTR {idProduct} == "0014", RUN + = "/ bin / sh -c 'echo 0> / sys / \ $ devpath / authorized'"

but he had problems with the "death of the device"

now I'm not an expert in this maybe someone can help.
Thanks :-)

maybe some parameters are missing in UDEV but I can't do better

here instead the new log:
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: Welcome to poseidon 4.4 (15.3.18) © 2002-2018 by Chris Hodges (20090807)!
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: This is the PPC native MorphOS version.
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: Event broadcaster started.
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: Say hello to massstorage.class V4.9 (Supports storage devices via usbscsi.device (MOS)).
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: Whoah! hub.class V4.4 surprised as Root / external hub base class (MOS).
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: The door bell rang for hid.class V4.6 (Generic support for human interface devices (MOS)).
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: New hardware pciusb.device / 0 added (PCI OHCI USB 1.1 Host Controller (NEC)).
16: 38: 19 | 0-poseidon.library: Root hub has been enumerated.
16: 38: 19 | 20-poseidon.library: Opening pciusb.device unit 1 failed device / unit failed to open (-1).
16: 38: 19 | 0-hub.class: Hub with 3 ports successfully configured.
16: 38: 19 | 0-hub.class: I'm in love with hub 'PCI Root Hub Unit 0'.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Keyboard' at port 1. I like it.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Mouse' at port 2. I like it.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: Detected device 'QEMU USB Hub' at port 3. I like it.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: Hub has added 3 device (s). That'll be fun!
16: 38: 20 | 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hid.class: HID the road, 'QEMU USB Keyboard'!
16: 38: 20 | 0-hid.class: Using HID Descriptor from initial configuration run.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hid.class: HID the road, 'QEMU USB Mouse'!
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: Hub with 8 ports successfully configured.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: I'm in love with hub 'QEMU USB Hub'.
16: 38: 20 | 10-poseidon.library: SET_CONFIGURATION failed: endpoint stall (4)
16: 38: 20 | 10-poseidon.library: No current configuration, huh?
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: Detected device 'USB Audio Device ??????????????' at port 1. I like it.
16: 38: 20 | 0-hub.class: Hub has added 1 device (s). That'll be fun!
16: 38: 20 | 10-poseidon.library: SET_CONFIGURATION failed: endpoint stall (4)
16: 38: 20 | 10-poseidon.library: No current configuration, huh?
16: 38: 20 | 10-poseidon.library: SET_CONFIGURATION failed: endpoint stall (4)
16: 38: 20 | 10-poseidon.library: No current configuration, huh?
16: 38: 24 | 10-poseidon.library: Forced device binding of USB Audio Device ?????????????? to hub.class failed.

I put a video maybe the concept is clearer maybe you can configure it manually and be of help to those who want to try:

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda cip060 » lun set 20, 2021 11:56 pm

Ti ho mandato indirizzo se vuoi spedirmi adattatore video VGA che lo provo sul mio imac :ride:
nel frattempo mi e' arrivato un quicksilver da 733 e 2 schede video 9000 e 9800 pro
in arrivo un'altro quick silver dual cpu :ride:
in attesa resta anche un imac lampadina (devo trovare qualche amiga o qualche cosa per fare scambio :ultraincaz:
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Iscritto il: lun feb 17, 2003 9:19 pm
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Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda white » mar set 21, 2021 4:23 pm

Ciao cip,
volentieri non appena passo in posta te lo spedisco mi fa' piacere.

ho provato anche con aros il problema è identico con poseidon
stesso risultato.
A quanto pare sembra fare lo stesso anche con il mac

Ovviamente mi fa' piacere provare ma questo richiede varie letture ed io è da tempo che non uso linux
ma forse c'è un errore in qemu per le pennette audio-usb
certo che chi ha dimistichezza con linux potrebbe fare delle prove in maniera veloce.

Per il resto morphos è una figata tanto che mi ha fatto abbandonare winuae e compagnia :-)
Ho scoperto da poco che può eseguire il codice 68k in maniera nativa senza e-uae a parte non usare i chip grafici
anche se non sono molto interessato ai giochi 68k ecc.
ho copiato semplicemente payback l'ho lanciato e ha funzionato senza problemi :-)
stessa cosa per varie utility.
Insomma bello, è un bel sistema :-)

Messaggi: 520
Iscritto il: mer ago 07, 2019 11:39 am

Re: Qemu x86: Emulazione MorphOS

Messaggioda AMIGASYSTEM » mar set 21, 2021 4:54 pm

white ha scritto:@All
ho provato anche con aros il problema è identico con poseidon
stesso risultato.

Quale Distribuzione AROS hai provato? una Nightly build ? ABI-v0 o ABI-v1?

La Distribuzione più aggiornata è AROS One, dentro ci sono Librerie e Driver USB più aggiornati by deadwood, IcarOS e AspireOS non sono stati ancora aggiornati al nuovo Core.
Immagine - AROS One Home Site - AfA One - AROS One x86 - AROS One 68K - WinUAE OS 4.1 -

Amiga 4000/Cyberstorm MK II/060/Picasso RAM 6MB Kick 3.1
Amiga 1200/030 Ram 16 Mega HD 500 MB
Amiga 1200/040 Ram 32 Mega HD 500 MB
Amiga 600 HD 20 MB
Amiga 600 Doppio Kickstart 2.05-1.3
Amiga 500 Plus Doppio Kickstart 204-1.3
Amiga 500
CD32/SX-32 MK1 RAM 8 MB HD 4G
CD32 Standard
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Iscritto il: ven lug 25, 2008 8:39 pm
Località: Brindisi


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